
What’s Missing From Your Customer Centric Cross-Channel Strategy?

September 24, 2019

As the digital natives of Gen Z come into their buying power, brands are continuing to prioritize their cross-channel strategy. 95% of marketers acknowledge the power of cross-channel strategy, but only 73% have one in place. Marketers are taking steps in the right direction though: 52% use at least 3-4 channels, as compared to 44% in 2015. While adding additional channels contributes to progress towards 1:1 personalization, it still misses the mark. 

To achieve true customer centric journeys, you need to rework your definition of personalization. It no longer means providing tailored content across the channels you deem important. 1:1 personalization involves being completely cross-channel agnostic, where customer actions and preferences determine channel selection. This extends far beyond digital channels as well. Most marketers are missing out on a classic that drives real revenue: direct mail.

What is channel agnostic?

Thoughtful, true personalization is “channel agnostic”. This process involves marketers determining what needs to be communicated by the brand, but implicit and explicit customer preferences determine how that information gets delivered. This autonomously selected by platforms that can analyze customer behaviors to make these choices across the full gambit of channels, rather than marketers making the call. This first requires a full breadth of customer data, along with a system that can rationalize this data into unique customer profiles. Once data is unified, decision engines can then process the information to design holistic, channel agnostic journeys.

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Connecting the dots

With a system in place that connects historic transactional, browsing, and catalog with real-time actions, marketers are free to create trigger based segments that are designed for conversion. This digitally minded strategy is great, but it’s only a piece of the larger puzzle. Offline marketing and brand experiences hold a huge sway over consumers. When integrating direct mail with digital media campaigns, business saw a 118% lift in response. It’s crucial to connect online insights with offline experiences to deliver the truly holistic marketing experience that’s been missing from your cross-channel strategy.

Direct mail made easy

With unified data painting an accurate view of consumers, direct mail is easier than ever. Activate data and design triggers for the exact best moment to send off personalized direct mail to high value customers. When a user shows high intent through digital channels, Blueshift’s AI-powered engine fires off a signal to one of their many integration partners, like Inkit. Top brands trust direct mail pros, combined with the power of Blueshift to get the perfect message in the hands of the right customer. 

Blueshift’s Customer Data Activation Platform (CDAP) helps consumer brands intelligently scale customer engagement on every channel. Powered by its patented AI technology, it enables marketers to use a full circle view of all their customers to create real-time predictive segments, deliver personalized recommendations, and orchestrate multi-channel journey flows that connect all customer touch points across web, mobile and offline to create seamless 1:1 experiences.

Blueshift’s Customer Data Activation Platform (CDAP) helps consumer brands intelligently scale customer engagement on every channel. Powered by its patented AI technology, the Blueshift CDAP enables marketers to unify their siloed data and use real-time customer insights and interactions to shape customer experiences across every brand touchpoint.

Ready to captivate your customers?

Send personalized direct mail automatically based on customer actions.
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