Reach Enablement

Customer Communication Done Right: Four Ways to Reach Your Customers

February 23, 2021
Inkit Team

You will need at least 12 positive experiences to make up for one negative experience. Otherwise, an offended customer will leave and never return.

To prevent such cases, it’s better to take care of customer communication beforehand. Be sure to maintain contact with customers from the moment they learn about your brand. Use personalized messages, social media communications, customer support, and other tricks to make your leads feel valued.

Reaching out to customers, it’s also essential to promote your product or service through multiple channels. They will be able to pick the most convenient mode of communication and appreciate such flexibility.

To give you additional guidance on maintaining contact with customers, we’ve prepared an overview of customer communication tips. Keep reading to learn:

  • How to check whether your customer communication strategy works
  • Four ways of reaching out to customers
  • How can Inkit help you maintain contact with customers?

How to Check Whether Your Customer Communication Strategy Works

Before taking some steps for reaching out to customers, you need to evaluate your current achievements. This will allow you to start improving the communication with leads in the right way.

Behavioral metrics and tracking software are the most commonly used approaches to monitor customers. They help you learn how different marketing strategies affect customer satisfaction and actions. If anything is wrong, you will be able to make data-driven changes.

Here are the main metrics you can monitor to evaluate the effectiveness of your customer communication:

Daily/Monthly Active Users. The number of active daily or monthly users shows how many people signed in and completed actions over a specific period. This metric is useful to evaluate real user activity. If it is low, you may need to keep in touch with your customers more.

customer communication

Session duration. This metric shows how much time users spend in your application, working with your product, or reading your website’s different pages. Google Analytics automatically calculates session duration, so you shouldn’t have any trouble measuring it. This KPI is useful if you maintain contact with customers through web content and blog posts. You will immediately see what information engages customers and what posts yield no result.

Bounce rate. It’s a percentage of customers who leave your website or application after visiting one page only. If it exceeds 55%, you have a valid reason for concerns. It may be that your customer communication strategy doesn’t work as expected, and you fail to engage leads. This metric is also available in Google Analytics and many online marketing tools.

These are some standard KPIs that can give you a general insight into your customer relationship. They won’t point at a specific problem but are great for monitoring. The positive or negative dynamics will allow you to see whether you maintain contact with customers in the right way.

You can also use customer behavior tracking software

In case you want to learn how exactly customers respond to your communication efforts, use tracking tools. Crazy Egg, HotJar, Clicktale are a few of the most popular options. They include click maps that show how customers interact with your web source or application. There are also session recordings you can watch to see how people move around.

These findings are helpful to understand where people bounce and reshape your marketing strategy accordingly.

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4 Ways of Reaching out to Customers

Upon the initial research, if you find out that you failed to maintain contact with customers, you must focus on improving communication. Discover four tried and tested ways of reaching out to customers below.

Reaching out to customers #1. Support all the key channels of communication

You won’t stay in touch with customers if you don’t utilize all the main communication channels. Based on Statista’s report, modern consumers prefer to communicate with brands through telephone, email, website, face-to-face interactions, and live chats. Mobile apps and social media also matter.

Therefore, to maintain contact with customers, it’s crucial to:

  • Have phone support that can always assist customers
  • Use emails to communicate proactively and solve issues
  • Invest in a quality website that includes reliable contact information and FAQ
  • Train your team to help consumers choose the right product during face-to-face interactions
  • Create Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter social media accounts
  • Implement online chats and/or mobile application if it can help consumers  access you services

Once you ensure presence across these channels, make sure to connect them. It’s necessary to keep all critical data coming from each channel in a single place. When a customer fills out a form, leaves feedback, or sends a request, you need to record it.

Reaching out to customers #2. Personalize and automate messages

74% of customers state they feel frustrated when the content of a website is not personalized. The same relates to emails, print communications, and other interactions. Hence, if you want to build trust and improve customer experience, you have to tailor content to customers’ preferences. Automation services are the easiest way to do this. Marketing automation tools can send trigger-based emails, social media messages, print notices, and other customer communications. For example, Inkit automatically generates PDF files based on HTML data and delivers them to selected customers. Everything happens at the right time, like when a customer starts a subscription, joins a loyalty program, leaves a request, etc.

Reaching out to customers #3. Adopt different approaches for new leads and loyal customers

Reaching out to customers always remember who you talk to. New leads pay attention to the smooth onboarding procedure. Long-term customers value loyalty programs and ease-of-use. The difference in their preferences is essential for your marketing strategy. When you communicate with potential customers, explain each step they need to access your product or service. To maintain contact with customers that have already purchased from you, take care of convenience. For example, you can use the address autocomplete to speed up the checkout process. Such simple steps boost loyalty and help you keep leads from bouncing.

Reaching out to customers #4. Ensure effective communication in customer support

When people have any questions or concerns, they will go to your support team. The recent research by Statista shows that 43% of consumers still use voice support. That’s why you will need to hire a support team that will accept calls to maintain contact with customers. Small businesses can assign support requests to one person.

support team

Apart from phone support, you also need to assist people through emails, website forms, and messages. These are the most popular channels.

Inkit Can Help You Maintain Contact with Customers

Inkit provides three products that cover different aspects of customer communication. They will come in handy throughout the entire conversion funnel to stay in touch with your customers in real-time.

Inkit Render automatically generates bills, invoices, notices, and other documents. This allows you to record all customer communications and send documents both online and offline.

Inkit Send delivers personalized messages based on events and triggers.

Inkit Verify provides a unique opportunity to verify customers’ identities and contact or shipment information. This makes your messages more accurate and increases security.

The combination of these products is a perfect way to maintain contact with customers. You can automatically check their identity, personalize messages, store copies of communications, and deliver them to the right recipients.

Ready to captivate your customers?

Send personalized direct mail automatically based on customer actions.
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