Data Enrichment & Validation

Three Steps to Effectively Reach Your Customers Online & Offline with Inkit

May 15, 2021
Inkit Team

Looking for a software tool to help you achieve the essential part of all your marketing, sales, and customer success efforts, that is, to reach your customers? Discover Inkit, a Reach Enablement Platform (REP) built for teams that recognize the value and importance of reaching and engaging with customers.

Inkit allows you to bridge online and offline customer experience for outstanding marketing campaigns, document management, and multi-channel customer communications. Read on to find out how Inkit helps to stay in touch with customers online and offline, with some inspiring examples and cases for your future campaigns.

Step 1. Secure HTML into PDF Conversion

To reach customers online and offline, you will have to convert HTML documents generated by web services to PDF files. PDF communications are secure, reliable, and look perfectly stunning across screens and devices. You can deliver them as an attachment in emails or print them out to send letters to customers.

The problem is businesses lack a straightforward, reliable, and scalable way to generate paperless documents. That’s when Inkit Render can come in handy.

Inkit’s Render API handles thousands of HTML to PDF conversions without slowing down. The cost savings for your company are evident as the document management process does not require expenses for maintenance anymore. You can convert your past emails, orders, proposals, billing, or customer support documentation from HTML files into high-quality PDF files to search, store, archive, and access when needed.

The key benefits of using an HTML into PDF rendering for businesses are:

  • out-of-the-box PDF generation,
  • scalability,
  • no need to hire extra developers due to the API connection,
  • complete end-to-end security and compliance.

Inkit Render offers robust admin controls that enable organizations to customize the access permissions to rendered and stored documents based on roles. Learn more by trying it for free.

HTML into PDF Conversion

Step 2. Autocomplete and Validate Postal Addresses at Checkout and in Forms

Address validation is a must for effective customer communication and correct workflow in e-commerce, insurance, banking, and many other industries.

Inkit Verify enables engineers to add address autocomplete and address verification to existing shopping carts with just a few lines of code. With postal address verification, there is no more need to overload customer support teams with finding and resending the packages while dealing with dissatisfied consumers. No more additional expenses and unnecessary waste of time. The order delivery and offline customer communication become more accurate and reliable.

The key benefits of Inkit Verify for businesses are:

  • a faster customer checkout,
  • up-to-date, reliable data in your address lists and customer database,
  • no more lost or returned shipments,
  • cost and time savings.

With access to Inkit's API, you can start address verification instantly. Validate addresses, ZIP codes, and street addresses, and avoid storing the wrong postal addresses in your address management systems.

With address verification functionality, businesses can go further with data enrichment and know their target audience better. This helps them research the preferences of their leads and tailor offline and online communication efforts accordingly.

Start verifying addresses today

Don't waste time and money dealing with lost shipments that never made it to your customers.
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Step 3. Automated Mail Printing and Delivery

A business that has never run multi-channel marketing campaigns may face trouble launching them unless you have Inkit Send to help you with the offline customer communication part.

Inkit Send automates the delivery of offline marketing materials and documents, including invoices, bills, account notifications, etc. Since mail printing and delivery are trigger-based, such customer interactions are highly personalized. They always happen at the right time.

The best thing about Inkit Send is that you won’t have to keep arranging document printing and delivery after the initial integration with your CRM or other marketing tools.

Inkit Send is a great way to boost your digital marketing with direct mail and build cross-channel campaigns. Thanks to hundreds of integrations supported, you can connect Inkit with email marketing software, digital advertising services, analytics tools, and many other solutions.

Discover 10 Marketing Automation Tools You Need for the Key Marketing Processes

Three Ways to Use Inkit for Multiple-Channel Campaigns: Welcome Campaigns, Targeted Offline Communications, and Customer Retention

Inkit is proud to enhance customer communications and marketing strategies for over 1000 teams worldwide. What value did the collaboration bring to them? Let's zoom in on the examples and find out the customers' impressions.

Case 1. Welcome Direct Mail Campaign

Welcome postcard campaign boosts new customer engagement and retention by double digits for Asana.

The ease of integration with Asana's existing marketing system and uncompromising security standards made Inkit the best partner for direct mailing campaigns. When Asana experimented against a control group, customers who received the Inkit powered welcome postcard saw a relative 17.6% increase in new user visitation, a 6.5% increase in invitations sent and accepted, a 4.2% increase in collaboration, and a 15.7% decrease in churn.

Here's how Aaron Williams, Head of Asana for Nonprofits, describes the collaboration:

"Inkit's steadfast prioritization on data security, providing the best possible variable costs, and having a rockstar support team has made this partnership exceptional."

direct mail sent

Case 2. Address Verification

Sailthru team experienced the benefits of Inkit Verify. The software allowed them to increase the accuracy of customers’ address data and make the marketing campaigns more effective. Verified addresses are essential to support online marketing efforts with targeted offline campaigns.

"Any business that wants and needs to confidently reach their customers should be using Inkit's Verify product to validate shipping addresses. It solves so many unnecessary headaches that all stem from customers providing bad addresses."

Dan Bjornsen, Manager, Strategic Partnerships, Sailthru.

Case 3. Customer Retention

Inkit’s tools ensured excellent customer retention for BombBomb. They used Inkit Send to integrate offline marketing into their multichannel campaigns. With the help of Inkit’s capabilities, BombBomb reduced the churn rate by 23% and saved 17% of their dunning accounts.

"What we saw with that was a 17% increase in saved dunning accounts. They (customers) returned to us, they updated payment information, and they are still with us nine months later. That's super exciting."

JK Sparks, Director, Marketing Operations, BombBomb.

What do our customers like best? According to Inkit Reviews 2021 on G2:

  • "Inkit offers a new spin on advertising and marketing."
  • "Inkit team built an insane Iterable direct mail integration."
  • "The solution they have provided easily saves me thousands in payroll."
  • "The Inkit team has clearly taken the time in building out their integrations."
customer retention

The owners of small and mid-sized businesses are fond of Inkit Send:

"Inkit's direct mail automation platform is extremely easy to use. The Inkit team built an insane Iterable direct mail integration, allowing us to trigger direct mail postcards, 1:1 on-demand, and track the ROI easily. Their customer support team is freaky good. They've gone as far as getting the CEO on the phone which is way above and beyond - many times their team will even consult with us on best practices and creative tips."

"I've been searching for a tech solution that could pull off an automated sequence of postcard mailings for my real estate business. That search stopped when I found INKIT. This time/money-saving tool has helped me grow my business by automating many of the marketing mailings. The solution they have provided easily saves me thousands in payroll to pay my admin and lots of time. Friendly and fast technical support."

Want to try Inkit for your campaigns? Contact us for a demo.

Ready to captivate your customers?

Send personalized direct mail automatically based on customer actions.
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