
5 Postcard Marketing Ideas with Klaviyo + Inkit

January 28, 2020
Inkit Team

Every year the USPS sends around 2 billion presorted postcards. Sounds impressive? There are many more occasions to deliver an eye-catching card than you probably think. A New Year’s Eve, a birthday, a loyalty program, or even cart abandonment. Some of them you can easily plan beforehand, while others are quite unpredictable. You never know when potential buyers decide to pause their customer journey or leave. This requires careful investigation and analytics. Is that possible with direct mail marketing ideas? – Yes. And not only possible but rather easy as well. Especially if you run an Inkit + Klaviyo direct mail campaign powered by marketing automation.

To bring you some inspiration, we have collected several effective postcard marketing examples. In this article on direct mail marketing ideas, you will learn about:

  • How Klaviyo can boost integrated marketing strategies
  • Benefits of Inkit + Klaviyo integration for direct mail marketing ideas
  • Postcard marketing examples: When data-driven printing and mailing yield great results

What Makes Klaviyo so Effective for Integrated Marketing Campaigns?

Single-channel marketing is no longer enough to promote a product or service. On the other hand, connecting and synchronizing several channels has never been easy. It requires a multi-functional marketing platform with user workflow automation, behavior targeting, and advanced analytics. Klaviyo is one of such software solutions. What’s more, it supports numerous integrations. The compatibility with third-party services makes Klaviyo a perfect foundation for cross-channel marketing. The integrated tools exchange customer data and events in real-time to tailor customer journey based on every relevant action. This allows marketers to create unique workflows adapted to the needs and expectations of every individual.

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Benefits of Inkit + Klaviyo Integration for Postcard Marketing and Other Direct Mail Marketing Ideas

Traditional offline marketing means, like postcards, used to be a cross-channel marketing challenge for years. They tend to be particularly problematic since postcard production is too time-consuming to stay agile. Well, not with Klaviyo direct mail integration powered by Inkit.

Taken from Klaviyo website

The combination of these marketing tools can automate any of your direct mail marketing ideas. Whereas Klaviyo deals with customer data and records user behavior, Inkit uses this information as a trigger to launch postcard printing and mailing just at the right time. This brings mail marketing strategies to the new level and makes postcard design highly personalized. That’s only half of the story. Here are some additional benefits of Inkit + Klaviyo direct mail you should note:

  • Behavior-based content. The variable data printing feature supported by Inkit automatically casts the most recent customer data from Klaviyo to tailor the content of every postcard.
  • A/B testing. Inkit + Klaviyo direct mail allows you to play it safe and test several postcard marketing examples before producing the print. It’s the simplest way to estimate response rates and accurately calculate your ROI in advance.
  • Smart target audience segmentation. Klaviyo direct mail can be delivered to the selected potential customers based on specific characteristics, such as browsing activity, favorites, purchase power, and more.

Broadly speaking, Inkit + Klaviyo integration has one fundamental benefit – it aligns direct mail marketing ideas with your digital marketing efforts. As a result, customers are treated with the same care across every touchpoint and are more likely to convert. According to recent findings, the combination of three or more marketing channels increases the average order value by 13%, whereas the retention rate rises by nearly 90%. Klaviyo direct mail can boost your achievements even more. Thanks to its higher response rates and more personal touch than digital channels, it targets the customer segment that would otherwise remain indifferent. Want to know how it works? Discover some postcard marketing examples you can use as a basis for your future Klaviyo direct mail campaigns.

 triggered mail automation
Taken from Klaviyo website

5 Postcard Marketing Examples: When Data-Driven Printing and Mailing Works Best

The greatest thing about direct mail marketing ideas is that print never loses its relevance. You can mail your postcards to retarget customers, greet your business partners, or sell real estate. Inkit has collected 5 effective postcard marketing examples based on Inkit + Klaviyo direct mail integration.

Postcard Marketing Examples. Case #1. Honor Your Loyal Customers

Although customer acquisition is important, you must know that repeat customers generate up to 40% of revenue while comprising only 8% of website visitors. Find opportunities to express your gratitude to your loyal customers. Inkit + Klaviyo direct mail integration is one of the ways to target repeat buyers at a specific moment. For instance, you can deliver them a Thank You postcard when they’ve been with you for a year. Klaviyo will track the duration and trigger Inkit to start printing and mailing when the time comes.

Postcard Marketing Examples. Case #2. Remind About Bonuses

Although everyone loves free stuff, people may forget about their vouchers, discounts, and bonuses. Give customers a chance to redeem them. Pick a period after which it will be appropriate to remind buyers about their freebies. Since not all segments of your target audience have bonuses, you will need Klaviyo for data collection and processing. The marketing platform will group the target audience and single out the necessary customers. After that, this information will be transferred to Inkit to print a unique postcard for every recipient. It may include a call-to-action, customer’s name, and the bonus amount. Inkit’s marketing automation and variable data printing considerably simplify the production of such exclusive mail pieces.

Postcard Marketing Examples. Case #3. Provide Customized Offer

Klaviyo’s data science engine generates detailed insights you have always dreamt about. You can learn the predicted amount of future spending and target such customers with VIP offers. As an alternative, you can also refer to the purchase history. 58% of consumers are more likely to buy if the retailer’s recommendations are based on their previous orders. Use the obtained information to design curated catalogs featuring the items that can attract the attention of buyers. Supplement such catalogs with tailored postcards. Such mail combinations work best.

Postcard Marketing Examples. Case #4. Send a Discount

Someone subscribed to your social media account, checks all website offers, adds favorites but doesn’t convert? Use Klaviyo to find out the blocking issue. Once you do, save the situation with postcards. Klaviyo’s marketing platform measures your customer performance and streams important activity in real-time. This allows you to see what makes visitors bounce and give them a strong reason to stay in each case. For instance, if a customer was repelled by a high delivery cost, a free shipment postcard can convince them to change their mind. Similarly, a buyer who left because their online payment method was unsupported, may appreciate your offer to pay upon delivery.

Postcard Marketing Examples. Case #5. Use B2B Mail to Find Partners

Although business owners usually leverage mail to engage customers, it also shows great results in B2B marketing. If you are a small business that just enters the market and needs new partners, consider postcards as one of the options. All enterprises regularly check their mail, which may be a great occasion to initiate the contact. To avoid being spammy, find out which segments of the email list ignore your emails and pick them as your target audience. This can be easily done with simple Klaviyo settings. Since direct mail has higher response rates than emails, postcards may improve your chances to be noticed.

Want to get more information about Inkit + Klaviyo Direct mail? Check out this page. You can also schedule the Inkit demo right now to start automating your mail.

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