
Experience Smarter Marketing at Engage21 Virtual Conference by Blueshift

April 27, 2021

Join Inkit at one of the most incredible online events in the world of digital marketing — Blueshift Engage 2021. Inkit is excited to partner with Blueshift to bring you their

second free virtual conference on May 3rd-7th, and from the last year's experience, it's a must-attend event.

Register for Blueshift Engage21 running May 3rd-7th for free

When marketers just entered the era of entirely virtual events, we were still worried about our networking and learning experience. Last year’s Engage20 dispelled the fears.

Here are some of the best soundbites from Engage20: 

Now is the time to be super demanding of your CEO and your team — this isn’t the time for just ‘ok’ performance. And although we’re all under immense pressure, this is how great marketing teams are born. In fact, all of the best companies are built during downturns because they focus on what matters and they hire brilliant people.” — Anthemos Georgiades — Co-Founder & CEO of Zumper.

Doors will open and doors will close. Marketers need to keep their ears to the ground and sprint for the doors that are opening right now. It’s all about becoming prepared as an individual, and a company, to be able to run to those opening doors as quickly as possible and having the ability to be comfortable with trying new things.” — Gabe Dalporto — Chief Executive Officer of Udacity.

A lot of people get concerned about machine learning algorithms thinking it’s going to eliminate the job of a marketer. It’s actually the opposite — you leverage these algorithms to take over mundane tasks so you can focus on the creativity and the strategy that’s really necessary to be successful.” — Houman Akhavan — Chief Marketing Officer of 

When you register for this year’s event, you’ll also receive instant access to all of last year’s conference, Blueshift Engage20, on-demand.

Expect More Great Moments and Takeaways at Engage21

For five days of sessions from May 3rd to May 7th, Engage21 will be hosting industry-leading marketers from companies like Stitchfix, Houzz, and Udacity to discuss how they are implementing new, smarter marketing strategies to deliver customer experiences that are connected, relevant, and engaging. 

Michael McCarthy, Inkit’s CEO and Co-Founder, will join the integration partners panel to share the best practices for Inkit + Blueshift integration

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Engage21 Agenda Highlights

Experimentation and Engagement Strategies for the Modern Marketer

In the era of rapid changes in customer communication channels, marketing has to be flexible. Experiments are not just a form of research anymore; they are the basis of strategies. 

On Day 1 of Engage21, experts will share their secrets of creating successful experimentation and engagement strategies.  

"With a plethora of customer data being produced every day, the opportunity to experiment and engage customers continues to increase. Learn from cutting edge marketers on what experiment and engagement strategies work to drive meaningful and sustainable growth." — Blueshift Engage21 agenda.

The Future of Customer Engagement

Customer engagement is evolving at a breakneck pace, with personalized customer communication remaining the central focus.

The top marketers will give examples of incorporating your customers' goodwill into the promotion strategy on Day 2 of Engage 2021.

"Connected technology continues to expand throughout all areas of our daily routines. As it expands, customers interact with brands more than ever before. Learn how you can be ready for the always-on consumer and make customers into brand advocates." — 

Blueshift Engage 2021 agenda.

Stack and Strategies for Connecting the Entire Customer Experience

Multi-channel marketing is facing new challenges. The processes require more automation tools and better integrations. You'll have the opportunity to learn firsthand about the latest marketing platforms and their features on Day 2 of Engage 2021.

"Customers interact with brands across a variety of channels and expect the brand to reflect their previous interactions with every new touchpoint. Learn from leading marketing leaders on how they've architected technology and strategies to ensure the customer experience is consistent and friction-free." — Blueshift Engage21 agenda.

Engaging Customers with Content

Content remains the king, but content types keep evolving. Learn from the world's top marketers on Day 2 of Engage 2021 to stay ahead of the upcoming content trends.

"Over the last few years, the format of content has expanded greatly from 2-hour full-length movies to 60-second TikTok videos. This begs the question, "What types of content should companies produce to keep customers engaged?" Join Brad Wilson and hear how HBOMax thinks about this and some recommendations on how to create content that helps keep your customers continually engaged." — Blueshift Engage 2021 agenda.

Delivering Connected, Omnichannel Customer Experiences

On the last day of Engage 2021, you will be able to hear from four Blueshift technology partners as they share how their platforms work with Blueshift to help deliver connected, omnichannel experiences that drive continuous customer engagement.

Save the date, and join to learn how Inkit’s integration with Blueshift lets marketers sync their online and offline marketing.

Register Now

No reasons to hesitate: take the opportunity to participate in this free online event and register now!

Challenge your thinking through open-dialogues that generate new ideas to build traffic, create brand awareness, improve customer service, and develop better use of marketing technologies that drive more productive business outcomes at Blueshift Engage21 — we’ll see you there.

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