
Solving Heap Size Limitations in Salesforce Sales Cloud with Inkit Render

April 29, 2021
Inkit Team

Salesforce Sales Cloud is incredible. It unites many handy tools for marketing automation, building conversion funnels, mobile messaging, and other uses. Leveraged by many businesses, Salesforce will reach the striking 21.25 billion dollar revenue in 2021. In the upcoming years, Salesforce Sales Cloud will also keep growing.

Yet even the proven success and efficiency of Salesforce Sales Cloud doesn’t mean it’s perfect. Just like any other tool, this platform has its limitations.

Insufficient heap size is one of the most common complaints. On multiple forums and threads, software engineers lament that Salesforce Sales Cloud fails to convert HTML to PDF when the volume is high. Given that the heap space limit is only 6MB, such troubles happen pretty often.

That’s when Inkit Render can help. Designed to convert HTML to PDF in large volumes, Render can generate anything from a single document to thousands of PDFs. Since it’s also a cloud solution, you can smoothly integrate it with Salesforce to avoid document rendering limitations. All processed documents will be automatically kept in the cloud.

Discover more reasons to opt for cloud data storage and use Salesforce Sales Cloud with Inkit Render here.

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What is Heap Size and How to Deal With Its Limitations?

Heap size is a concept that explains how much memory is used by objects. When software engineers create objects while coding, a specific amount of memory is allocated to store them. Since the memory is limited, the number of active objects is also limited. Hence, when the software is requested to process more objects than it can handle, an error occurs.

The same principle works for HTML to PDF conversion. Without third-party rendering software, document rendering requests can overload Salesforce Sales Cloud or any other alternative platform. A company using such a platform won’t be able to process all the documents. This affects the ability to archive email marketing communications, convert code notes to PDF, automate PDF document delivery, and a range of other PDF-based tasks.

Fortunately, a cloud-based rendering tool like Inkit’s Render is an easy way to solve this problem. By integrating it with Salesforce Sales Cloud, you can automatically store any volume of generated documents in the secure cloud environment. This makes the heap size unimportant and enables you to convert HTML to PDF in real-time.

Discover How to Convert HTML to PDF for Paperless Statements

You will also reap other benefits of cloud document storage, like advanced security, flexibility, and reliability. Read the following section to learn about the six main benefits of cloud storage.

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6 Benefits of Cloud Document Storage to Consider

Although many businesses still have in-house servers, 82% of companies already use hybrid cloud solutions. They transfer the most precious thing they have -- their data -- to remote storage and enjoy the following benefits of cloud storage.

Benefits of cloud storage #1. Ready for usage

When you set up an on-site data center, it takes much more time and expertise than cloud storage. Vendors that provide cloud storage for enterprises do the job for you. You only need to pick the right vendor and connect your systems to its platform. For example, Inkit Render takes just a few lines of code to integrate. Once you finish, it will automatically convert HTML to PDF and store the files in the cloud. The instant availability of storage is a decisive reason to pick the cloud for many businesses.

Benefits of cloud storage #2. Advanced security

41% of companies have more than 1,000 sensitive files in open access. These are credit card numbers, health records, and other details that require ultimate security. If you process such information but don’t protect it, this will entail penalties. 

Cloud storage is a tried and tested way to enhance data security. Thanks to automated data recording, the cloud defends you against human errors, server crashes, and data loss. You can also configure several layers of protection to manage data access and minimize the risk of cyberattacks.

cloud security

Benefits of cloud storage #3. Disaster recovery

It’s always better to keep several copies of the same data in multiple storage sites. Cloud is a safe place to backup critical information and recover it in case of any disaster. Since the records are kept off-site, you won’t lose them if something happens with your in-house systems.

Benefits of cloud storage #4. Increased productivity

Cloud storage enables employees to allocate the necessary file quickly, so they don’t waste time searching. Besides, it frees up space on computers improving their performance. This might not seem like a big difference, but the impact is enormous when you have hundreds of employees.

Apart from the mentioned productivity benefits of cloud storage, it also simplifies automation. Since cloud-based solutions like Inkit store processed files automatically, you can synchronize HTML file conversion with other automated processes. For example, you can automatically retrieve documents in HTML, convert HTML to PDF, and forward them to offline printers for delivery.

Benefits of cloud storage #5. Cost-efficiency

To increase the storage capacity of in-house servers, you will need to invest a lot. When it comes to cloud storage, you can request the necessary space from the vendor. Since cloud software providers spread the cost of hardware and services to many other businesses, the expenses of the end-users are lower.

Benefits of cloud storage #6. Scalability

By opting for cloud services, you pay only for the capabilities you use. Therefore, you don’t need to predict how much storage you will require in the future. If your needs rapidly increase, it will be easy to request additional storage from the cloud provider without purchasing on-site hardware. This makes cloud services particularly popular among startups and companies that expect considerable growth.

With the increasing stability of internet connection, cloud services have become a perfect option for many SMEs and even enterprises. The benefits of cloud storage outweigh its drawbacks and make many companies go serverless. In some cases, the integration of cloud solutions like Inkit is the only right way to increase the capabilities of the software you currently use.

cloud storage

How Render (and Other Inkit’s Products) Expand the Capabilities of Salesforce Sales Cloud

If you have Salesforce Sales Cloud integrated with your systems, your engineers may face a common problem. Each time they try to convert HTML to PDF in high volumes, the attempt fails. We must disappoint you. Since Salesforce Sales Cloud has a 6MB heap size limit, this problem will persist.

To troubleshoot, you need to integrate Salesforce Sales Cloud with Inkit’s Render through an API. Render is an automated HTML web page to PDF converter available in Inkit’s reach enablement platform. It can automatically convert HTML to PDF and store the files in the cloud.

The best thing about Inkit is that you can select the required volume. You can process a single document or in huge batches with equal ease. Thus, when integrated with Salesforce Sales Cloud, Render allows you to bypass heap size limitations.

Besides, by connecting Inkit, you can also power Salesforce’s Social Studio, Journey Builder, and other social media, email, and mobile marketing capabilities. Inkit’s Send enables businesses to deliver personalized offline communications in real-time for cross-channel campaigns. Inkit’s Verify offers unique customer data validation features to create customer relationships based on reliable contact details.

Are you excited to connect Inkit and Salesforce Sales Cloud to convert HTML to PDF in an unlimited volume? Contact us to try the platform for free.

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The easiest way to automatically generate and manage paperless documents at scale.
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