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7 Features an HTML to PDF Converter Should Have

March 9, 2021
Inkit Team

For some industries, an HTML converter is a must-have tool. Such software allows businesses to deliver paperless communications, digitize all documents for record-keeping, and provide online invoicing. It’s essential for financial organizations, healthcare facilities, e-commerce businesses, and other entities that handle tons of online transactions every day.

Therefore, the choice of an HTML converter is an important decision. You have to pick a vendor that knows how to convert HTML to PDF properly and offers all the necessary features. Apart from the HTML viewer, such a service must ensure a high level of automation, trigger-based printing, and many other capabilities.

Let’s talk about them in more detail below. Inkit’s team will explain what truly matters for the HTML converter that can render HTML online.

How to Convert HTML to PDF with Rendering Software

HTML is a markup language used to build web pages based on HTML code and HTML tags. HTML files include embedded text, images, headings, and tables inside a template. An HTML converter uses these data blocks to generate custom PDF files. Once converted to PDF, documents get a clear graphic structure. Now you can view them in PDF readers, deliver them to customers via email, or send them to print.

Read the guidelines on how to convert HTML to PDF

7 Features an HTML Converter Should Have to Efficiently Render HTML Online

Now that you know how to convert HTML to PDF, it’s time to talk about the additional features. Although some of them aren’t mandatory in online HTML converters, they significantly affect the software’s effectiveness. The functionality determines what volume of clean HTML files you can convert to PDF documents, automation capabilities, regulatory compliance, and other critical business aspects.

converting process

#1. Single PDF conversion and batch rendering

You never know the exact number of documents you will need to process for your business needs in the longer-term perspective. That’s why we recommend online tools that can render both a single HTML file and large batches with equal ease. This will give you maximum flexibility.

For example, if you handle thousands of invoices, you will be able to process a batch and generate multiple PDFs online. The tool will render all the documents at once, saving you a lot of time. On the other hand, when you send a personalized notice, there is no point in batch processing. You should have a tool that can convert one document without hassle. This allows you to avoid switching between different services to process small and large volumes of HTML files.

#2. Automation capabilities to render HTML online

Automation, automation, and once again automation. In the past (and for the upcoming) years, it’s all about automating everything. Well, like it or not, an HTML converter should also be automated.

Therefore, you must look for software that automatically converts HTML to PDF based on events. For example, when the invoicing date is due, the event will trigger such software to generate a personalized PDF file and store it in the system. Or, when a customer places an order, the tool will automatically create a paperless PDF confirmation.

Automation simplifies routine tasks. You don’t need to manually upload a single file or a batch to render HTML online. The efforts to manage file processing as well as the risk of human error are minimized. Hence, you can focus on more strategic business goals.

Out-of-the-box PDF generation

The easiest way to automatically generate and manage paperless documents at scale.
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#3. Conversion API

This feature of HTML editors and converters is essential for companies that want to integrate HTML to PDF conversion in their existing software. An API is an easy way to add the necessary feature to your mobile application or web product. Ideally, the integration should require just a few lines of source code.

Your development team won’t need to design a custom HTML converter from scratch, thanks to the API. This is more time- and cost-effective. Besides, you get a chance to deploy a customized system entirely tailored to your needs quickly.

Thus, if you want to build HTML to PDF conversion into your product, always pay attention to the API support.

#4. Trigger-based PDF printing and delivery

HTML converters usually render communications that are intended for customers, like bills, invoices, or e-statements. Hence, aside from storing generated PDF documents, you will need to send them online and offline in most cases.

If you adopt a tool that can render HTML online and later automatically deliver it based on triggers, you will significantly optimize your business operations. Such software will render custom PDFs and instantly send the documents to a specific person. Your employees will no longer have to manage documents manually.

Inkit is one of the platforms that offer document delivery in addition to rendering. While Inkit Render automatically converts HTML to PDF, Inkit Send delivers paperless communications online and initiates printing for offline delivery.

invoice printing

#5. Audit trail and other security measures

Regulatory compliance in healthcare and banking requires organizations to record everything that happens with data. They have to store a chronological catalog of all events and procedures to prove operational integrity.

When software used to render HTML online has an audit trail, it helps you comply with regulations. You also additionally protect customer information and increase the security of your business. Apart from audit trails, you also need to pick the software with data encryption and other safeguards.

Note that the more regulated your industry is and the more personal data you process, the more robust security you need.

#6. Conversion of multiple formats

If you only render HTML online, you can use a basic HTML converter. But if you convert other formats (e.g., doc, docx, and TXT plain text files) or other markup languages (e.g., PHP, CSS), choose more specialized solutions. Depending on what your business does, you may need to automatically convert text Microsoft Word to HTML, render a JPG document to HTML, etc.

Therefore, you should always mind your formatting needs while researching the features of rendering software.

#7. Integration with third-party software

To ensure maximum automation of paperless processes, you will have to connect an HTML converter with other tools. For example, you might need to integrate it with document management software, CRM systems, data storage, and other services.

This makes integration capabilities one of the most critical features of HTML converters. When your rendering tool smoothly connects with other services, you can render HTML online automatically and instantly trigger other related processes in real-time.

3rd party integration

Inkit Render as a Perfect Choice of HTML Converter

Render is one of the products offered in Inkit's toolkit. It can render HTML online to generate PDFs based on triggers like events or user activity. This tool converts both single documents and tons of communications.

Inkit Render converts HTML to PDF documents with an easy-to-use API. Inkit Render API easily integrates into existing triggers or applications. Generate PDF documents within seconds.

Moreover, Inkit’s rendering product goes with two other tools for paperless communications – Send and Verify. Inkit Send allows you to automatically deliver the generated communications online and offline to specific destinations. Inkit Verify validates customers’ addresses and identities at the checkout to make the delivery accurate and reliable.

Want to learn more about Inkit’s functionality? Contact us to get the demo or discuss your questions.

Out-of-the-box PDF generation

The easiest way to automatically generate and manage paperless documents at scale.
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