Digital Invoicing

HTML to PDF Converter: Enterprise Use Cases & Features

April 15, 2021
Inkit Team

Enterprises deal with lots of data sources. They have to process a conglomeration of print documents, digital customer communications, invoices, bills, and other documents. It’s challenging to collect all the information in one place, clean, and categorize it. As a result, poor data management often leads to data silos and undermines internal operations.

To avoid the mess with big data, proactive enterprises implement PDF converters.

Such tools generate HTML to PDF and store the copies of files in the database. This allows companies to securely keep all documents created in the same format and keep all data in order.

Are you considering having a PDF converter in your company?

Then, this article might be helpful for you. Below we will discuss PDF converter enterprise use cases, features, and what teams can benefit from such software.

HTML to PDF Converter Enterprise Use Cases

When an enterprise can automatically generate HTML to PDF, this considerably optimizes many of its processes. It can archive customer communications for compliance, generate PDF document files, and increase the security level.

Here are the prominent use cases that might be relevant for your company:

PDF converter enterprise use case #1. Archive emails

Enterprises store and receive thousands of emails every day. If left unprocessed, they will clutter any company and create a lot of confusion. Therefore, to keep outdated emails in order, corporations usually achieve them.

Note that since email clients store communications in HTML format, you will need to generate HTML to PDF for archiving. That’s when a PDF converter can come in handy.

email communications

PDF archiving is the best way to have all online communications in a convenient and printable format. PDF files are secure, searchable, and don’t take a lot of space. When the conversion is automated, an enterprise doesn’t have to do anything to manage email archiving.

Read How to Create a Secure Archive for Email Communications

PDF converter enterprise use case #2. Store copies of offline communications

Despite the global paperless movement, companies still send many offline communications. This is particularly the case with invoices, bank notices, utility bills, and healthcare documents.

Note that even when documents are sent by mail, you need to keep their copies for regulatory compliance. These records can also save you from disputes or help to solve customers’ requests.

Since you won’t store the physical copies of all the delivered documents, digital storage is an optimum choice. That’s why it’s better to have both print and digital communications in PDF format. This format enables you to send documents online or deliver them by mail at any time.

By the way, some tools, like Inkit, supplement a PDF converter with mail delivery functionality. This way, you can record communications in PDF and automatically forward them to printers for offline delivery.

Out-of-the-box PDF generation

The easiest way to automatically generate and manage paperless documents at scale.
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PDF converter enterprise use case #3. Automate billing

Official documents must be delivered in PDF. Web pages generated by web browsers are suitable for web view only.

Hence, if your enterprise delivers financial documents, you will need to generate HTML to PDF. This way, you’ll securely store the rendered bills in your database. You can also send a copy to customers by email or mail, depending on your needs.

Discover How Convert Pages to PDF for Paperless Statements

PDF converter enterprise use case #4. Connect teams

The conversion of all documents and communications to PDF gives you a single database with unified file formatting. It’s essential to share information between teams and ensure they use the same source of knowledge.

Your employees will be able to retrieve the communications you delivered to customers, images, and other critical file types whenever they need.

What Teams Usually Need to Generate HTML to PDF with a Converter

The best thing about a PDF converter is that an enterprise optimizes different departments’ work by adopting it. One single tool and automated HTML rendering to PDF file extension bring numerous benefits.

Based on our experience, the following teams most frequently need to automatically generate HTML to PDF:

  • Marketers and sales reps use the renderer to achieve customer communications and automatically generate PDF marketing materials, send order confirmations, notifications, etc.
  • Compliance specialists need to automatically generate HTML to PDF for record-keeping. Since PDFs retain the same structure on all screens and after printing, this is the best format to store critical documents.
  • Financial departments generate HTML to PDF for automated customer billing and invoicing. Automated document rendering saves them from the need to handle bills manually.
  • Software engineers can use a third-party HTML to PDF converter if they need to build rendering functionality in the products they are working on. For example, Inkit provides its Render product as an API integration solution. It takes just a few lines of code to integrate it with existing software.\
software engineers

If your enterprise has any of these departments, you should consider integrating a PDF renderer. It will yield a tangible result very soon.

Must-Have Enterprise Features of the PDF Converter

Even though there are tons of tools to generate PDF on Mac OS, Windows, and other operating systems, not all are suitable for enterprises. Tools to convert HTML to PDF in large volumes must have specific capabilities.

#1. Automation

A PDF converter for enterprise use must support extensive automation. You won’t do with manual converters that process separate Microsoft Office, HTML, PDF, and other files one by one. Such rendering is too time-consuming and counterproductive when the volume of documents is high.

Therefore, enterprises should look for a vendor who knows how to convert pages to PDF automatically. The software must retrieve the necessary file from your database, render them, and store. The tools like Inkit can also automatically print and deliver the generated PDF files to recipients. That’s the ultimate level of automation.

#2. Batch and One-Time Processing

In most cases, enterprises render documents in batches. Such processing is quick and easy to manage.

Nevertheless, for flexibility and convenience, use a tool that can both render batches and single documents. This can be very helpful when you need to process one HTML file.

file sent

#3. Integrations

PDF renderers are often used in combination with other tools. When connected to your email client, web forms, CRM system, and other services, they are much more effective.

Thanks to integrations, PDF renderer becomes a part of a complex automation system. Each stage in document creation, storage, delivery, and tracking is automated. Hence, when you choose PDF rendering software, always pay attention to its integration capabilities.

Learn about other Features an HTML to PDF Converter Should Have

Use Inkit to Generate HTML to PDF

Inkit is a customer reach enablement platform with document rendering capabilities.

Inkit’s tool Render supports automated HTML file to PDF conversion. It automatically generates HTML to PDF based on triggers, delivers documents to the recipients, and stores them.

Inkit is also very convenient to integrate through an API and supports hundreds of integrations. You can easily connect it to third-party tools or use it as an out-of-the-box solution for software development. Inkit’s API allows you to add PDF rendering capabilities on top of software products.

Would you like to try Inkit for your enterprise? Contact us for details or get the demo.

Out-of-the-box PDF generation

The easiest way to automatically generate and manage paperless documents at scale.
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