Digital Invoicing

Everything You Need to Know About HTML to PDF API: Pricing, Capabilities, and Features

May 18, 2021
Inkit Team

Businesses and organizations convert HTML web pages to PDF for several common reasons. They want to standardize records from various browsers, tools, and devices to keep them in the same format and well-ordered. They may also need to create PDFs to deliver HTML content to customers, maintain regulatory compliance, or archive data. HTML to PDF conversion underlies many basic operational processes.

Although you can convert HTML to PDF manually, in practice, businesses don’t do this. It would be a massive waste of time and effort. Hence, everyone uses HTML to PDF service API for building automated rendering capabilities into existing tools. An HTML to PDF online API free or paid is a great solution to add on rendering functionality without developing a PDF engine from scratch.

Wondering how to pick the most suitable HTML to PDF service API among multiple options? Learn everything you should know about paid and free HTML to PDF converter APIs here.

What is HTML to PDF Rendering and HTML to PDF API?

To better understand what a good PDF renderer is, let’s talk about definitions first. HTML to PDF rendering is essential for many routine business processes, so you should know how it works.

HTML to PDF Rendering

HTML to PDF rendering is the conversion of raw HTML to formatted PDF files with software help. Whereas HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is used only to display the content of web pages, PDF files have a clear structure, including headers and footers, page size, page numbers, etc. Regardless of what you do – store PDFs in archives, send them by email, or print out – they look the same. This makes the PDF format highly convenient to keep, retrieve, and share information.

Read About How to Convert HTML to PDF for Paperless Statements

HTML to PDF Rendering


HTML to PDF renderers are usually available as web solutions or HTML to PDF APIs. Whereas web services are convenient for companies that process files occasionally, HTML to PDF APIs are used for ultimate automation. An HTML to PDF API allows you to add rendering capabilities to your existing software to automate document generation fully. After the integration, a third-party rendering tool and your internal system will automatically exchange information through the HTML to PDF API. The API will pass requests to generate a specific PDF based on real-time triggers.

Thanks to API integration, you don’t need your development team to spend months building a renderer. With just a few lines of code and in a couple of simple steps, you get comprehensive rendering capabilities in less than a day.

Paid vs. Free HTML to PDF Converter API: Key Differences

Looking for a renderer, you will come across paid and free HTML to PDF converter APIs. Before deciding on a free option by default, consider all pros and cons carefully. Even though they are open-source and cost-efficient, free services will most probably hamper your business growth in the long run. HTML to PDF online API free solutions have limited functionality, convert low volumes of documents, and are challenging to integrate.

Advanced options of HTML to PDF service API are always paid. Such solutions have reliable tech support, ensure data security, have an uptime guarantee, and other measurable benefits. They allow you to fully automate document rendering and perfectly connect rendering software with your existing tech stack.

Summing up, if you want to test rendering software and don’t expect a large volume of documents, choose free HTML to PDF converter API. Yet if you need reliable rendering solutions with extensive functionality and stability, a premium HTML to PDF service API is a much better choice.

Find out Whether Paid PDFs Renderers are Better than Open-Source Software

Out-of-the-box PDF generation

The easiest way to automatically generate and manage paperless documents at scale.
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5 Must-Have Features of an HTML to PDF Service API

Apart from the build vs. buy decision or the price of the HTML to PDF converter APIs, you must consider their capabilities. To be sure the chosen solution matches your business needs, you have to check whether it has some critical features. Here are the main features to keep in mind:

#1. No document limits

High-quality HTML to PDF service API should allow you to process a single document and large batches with equal ease. Businesses handle tons of HTML files and cannot always predict the load in advance. You may need to generate one PDF invoice from HTML or send an email newsletter to thousands of customers. Therefore, when choosing an HTML to PDF service API, make sure it's flexible. For example, Inkit’s Render API handles thousands of HTML to PDF conversions without slowing down.  

documents rendering

#2. Easy integration

The main task of paid and free HTML to PDF converter APIs is to simplify software implementation. Hence, you must avoid HTML to PDF APIs that are challenging to connect. They will only create obstacles to PDF rendering adoption and waste your time.

We recommend choosing an HTML to PDF service API that takes several lines of code to integrate. The software vendor should also provide detailed instructions on API integration and explain how it will work with your systems.

#3. Data encryption

In many cases, the content of HTML documents is confidential. You may need to generate invoices, bills, healthcare records, or other communications with personal data. Therefore, it’s crucial to pick HTML to PDF online API (whether free or paid options) with data encryption. Such security measures considerably reduce the risk of data breaches and protect you from resulting losses. Since the confidential information is secure, regulatory compliance also becomes more straightforward. A decent HTML to PDF service API meets the core regulations and data processing best practices.

#4. Automated document storage

HTML to PDF rendering may be an effective method of archiving. If you integrate an HTML to PDF service API that automatically stores generated PDF documents, you won’t have to worry about record-keeping. The rendering software will automatically log all the operations and save the generated PDF documents. Such functionality is handy to maintain regulatory compliance and retrieve the necessary legacy documents upon request. For example, you may need to access previous customer communications in case of a dispute.

documents storage

#5. Technical support

To have a professional backup in stressful situations, pay attention to the support offered by the rendering software vendor. The provider of an HTML to PDF API must be ready to answer your questions shortly and assist you with integration or troubleshooting. Free HTML to PDF converter APIs usually don’t provide tech support, which is another valid reason to opt for paid services.

Inkit’s Render as an HTML to PDF API Solution

Inkit is a reach enablement platform (REP) for PDF document rendering, address verification, and communication automation. Render performs HTML to PDF conversions as an API or web based solution.

Utilizing the API, you can convert and display content quickly and securely in your application. Render handles conversion infrastructure for you.

If you need assistance with integration, you can always get in touch with Inkit’s support team. We are ready to walk you through the implementation process and provide the integration materials for reference.

Are you excited to connect PDF rendering with Inkit HTML to PDF service API? Contact us to get access to the platform.

Out-of-the-box PDF generation

The easiest way to automatically generate and manage paperless documents at scale.
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