Data Enrichment & Validation

Data Enrichment with Address Information: Legislative Restrictions and Rules

March 2, 2021
Inkit Team

Every month, from 1 to 6.5% of customer data loses validity because of natural turnover. Hence, to preserve the quality of customer communications, you need to update data continuously. It’s essential both to verify existing information and enrich it to get a fuller insight into customers.

The more details you know about your lead profiles, the more effective marketing campaigns you run. You get a chance to make data-driven decisions and personalize content based on the characteristics of each customer. Personalized experiences are what 80% of customers expect.

Even though demographic data is the most popular category for enrichment, address data can also give you a lot. This information allows you to reach customers through offline channels, run lead scoring, and reap many other benefits.

Find guidelines on how to enrich company data with address information in our article:

  • What is data enrichment with addresses all about
  • Legal restrictions related to marketing data enrichment with addresses
  • 4 Rules of marketing data enrichment with addresses
  • Best practices on how to use enriched address data
  • Shipment address verification and address data enrichment with Inkit

Data Enrichment with Addresses: What Is It All About?

In general, data enrichment is when information from internal sources is combined with external data to make it more complete. When it comes to address enrichment, we usually mean the following three applications:

  1. You add additional details to existing addresses (e.g., ZIP codes, state, etc.).
  2. You use address information to obtain other details about customer profiles.
  3. You learn addresses and geographic location based on other types of currently stored data.
data processing

Legal Restrictions Related to Marketing Data Enrichment with Addresses

Marketing and customer research are the main goals of data enrichment. Therefore, enriched information usually doesn’t include strictly regulated data types (e.g., personal health information or banking details). This means that, most probably, you won’t need to worry about the impact of healthcare and financial regulations.

GDPR and US privacy law alternatives play the most significant role in marketing data enrichment compliance. Based on them, companies must always use customer data fairly and transparently. It is also essential to limit third-party data access and enable customers to erase all their personal information upon request.

Therefore, to run marketing data enrichment properly and stay compliant, make sure to:

  • Analyze what additional sensitive data you collect about customers and protect it
  • Inform customers about marketing data enrichment practices you use in your privacy policy
  • Always get data processing consent from customers
  • Allow customers to access and update their personal information
  • Enable customers to delete all personal information and enriched data you have about them

It’s also important to use marketing data enrichment tools with built-in regulatory compliance. This way, you won’t have to worry about meeting regulations.

Other than that, marketing data enrichment doesn’t breach any of the GDPR provisions. The usual steps taken to comply with GDPR and US privacy laws should be enough to stay compliant.

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Four Rules of Marketing Data Enrichment with Addresses

If you want to use marketing data enrichment right, play by the book. You should automate ways to verify address data, use address autocomplete, and follow other rules.

#1. Use automated ways to verify addresses

Whether you use addresses to find out other details or vice versa, you have to check address data. People can change their place of residence. Addresses become outdated. Communities decide to rename streets.

Therefore, when you neglect address verification, very soon, enriched mailing lists become inaccurate. To avoid this, it’s better to implement automated ways to verify addresses. Automated address verification tools validate addresses as soon as they end up in your system. They add missing details, remove invalid addresses, and run regular checks to keep the database ordered. This makes your data enrichment efforts more productive.

#2. Implement address autocomplete services

Quite often, you don’t get the full information about customers because of form abandonment. 81% of people leave forms after starting to fill them out. If they stayed, you would collect valuable information.

To simplify the life of customers and speed up form completion, you should use autocomplete. It will offer address suggestions with ZIP codes and correct formatting. Thanks to this, you will record quality and full address data from the start. Later on, it will be easier to run address validation and use these addresses for further marketing data enrichment.

zip code

Check out  our Guide to Postal Address Cleansing and Autocomplete

#3. Integrate several complementary tools

To get the most out of marketing data enrichment, you will need to combine several services. One of them will enrich addresses with ZIP codes. Another will add demographic data based on location, and so on. No tool can tell you everything about customer profiles based on names only.

For example, Inkit supports a handy data enrichment integration with Iterable and Towerdata. By connecting these services, you will learn a physical address from a personal email address only. Find out more about this integration and how it works here.

#4. Enable your customers to update address information

Some time-honored methods can help you power automated customer data platforms and enrichment tools. The easiest thing is to ask customers to share additional information after they have used your services for some time. Once they become more loyal, they will be more likely to provide data. To do this, you can send your leads an email request, show a pop-up form, run a survey, etc.

Best Practices on How to Use Enriched Address Data

Enriched address data can benefit your marketing campaigns in many ways if you know how to use it. Here are several tips based on our experience.

  • Use enriched addresses to better segment your customers. A place where people leave can tell you a lot about their purchase behavior. Using address verification and enrichment helps you keep accurate addresses in your database and enrich this data with marital status, education, and other characteristics of your target audience.
  • Leverage enriched address data for lead scoring. Detailed customer profiles with data points help you detect ideal customers. Run data enrichment and use your favorite lead scoring tool with machine learning to focus on customers with a higher revenue-generating or repeat purchase potential.
  • Personalize marketing content and go offline. Marketing data enrichment is a great occasion to start offering tailored content to your leads. You can customize the offered products, wording, and style of speech based on who you address. Moreover, having reliable address information, you can go beyond online promotions and run direct mail campaigns. Mail can become an effective alternative to digital marketing channels.
offline marketing

Shipment Address Verification and Address Data Enrichment with Inkit

If you are looking for software that can facilitate address verification and enrichment, Inkit will perfectly cater to your needs. One of its products, Verify, is specially designed for address validation and enrichment.

After a quick integration of Verify with your system, it will provide customers with shipment address suggestions as they enter their data. Such automated autocomplete helps to collect valid input and speed up the checkout. Inkit also offers automated ways to verify address data and can enrich records with missing details. As a result, you get a complete database of addresses with outstanding data quality.

Have any questions about using Inkit for address verification and enrichment? Contact us for a talk.

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