Data Enrichment & Validation

Data Enrichment and Reverse Geocoding: Improving Customer Experience with Geolocation

September 3, 2020
Inkit Team

Customer experience is all about a personal approach and the best possible interactions. So, to cater to your customers’ needs, it’s important to know the history of their previous interactions with your business, remember their tastes, and strive for further improvement. Sounds like a lot of work, but with today’s technology, it’s not that difficult any longer. With modern tools providing a single view of the customer and detailed analytics, the current issue that marketers face is to ensure the quality of the data to be ingested into the software so that the tools can truly work their magic.

Modern reverse geocoding and data enrichment services use GPS coordinates to generate meaningful information that can boost your marketing efforts. There are also ‘find lat long from address’ tools to convert street addresses into latitude and longitude coordinates. In addition to this, you can use Inkit’s data enrichment services to get physical addresses based on emails. Inkit also integrates with over hundred of third-party tools to collect user behavior data, personal information, and other details.

Since such tools are largely automated and process information in large batches, they substantially optimize your back-office operations. You just connect your system to data enrichment services and get enriched customer records at the output.

To discover more about data reverse geocoding and data enrichment services, read about:

  • What is reverse geocoding, why your company might need it, and how to use such data enrichment services
  • Automated reverse geocoding for back-office optimization
  • Data enrichment services available with Inkit

What Is Reverse Geocoding, Why Your Company Might Need It, and How to Use Such Data Enrichment Services

Reverse geocoding is the process of transforming a point location into a physical address. The word “reverse” indicates that this procedure is opposite to traditional geocoding used to find lat long from address.

address search

With reverse geocoding, one can identify nearby street addresses as well as places, a neighborhood, a state, or a country code related to the geographical data. This technology is often built into mobile location-based services to automatically detect a user’s location and show it on a map.

Why your business might need reverse geocoding

Although reverse geocoding cannot provide you with 100% accurate street addresses or phone numbers, it can help a lot with studying your target audience. That’s why experienced marketers use reserve geocoding tools alongside other data enrichment services to obtain time zones, nearest postal services, carrier routes, etc. This information is enough to work out the best logistics and make sure that the orders, gift cards, or marketing communications get delivered right on time without any delays. In addition, this way, all your communications, tone of voice, calls-to-action, and other marketing efforts are always tailored to the recipient. Besides, with reverse geocoding API tools, marketers can run every door direct mail campaigns that are based on delivering mail to people living along a specific postal route.

Reverse geocoding is also useful to prevent frauds through data verification. After converting latitude and longitude coordinates, you can see where the person contacting you is located to check whether their request is valid. If the actual street address differs from the information provided by someone, you should be extra attentive.

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To sum up, reverse geocoding benefits your customer experience. Apart from better personalization and an additional layer of security check when they place an order, you can also speed up the work of your support and delivery teams, and greatly improve the effectiveness of your customer loyalty program.

For inspiration and some practical tips on how to build an effective customer retention strategy and improve your customer experience, check out our guides here:

How to find lat long from address and use reverse geocoding

There are many web services and plugins that allow you to find lat long from address and vice versa. In find lat long from address services, you provide street addresses to get latitude and longitude coordinates. On the other hand, reverse geocoding services request a point location to generate street, neighborhood, city, state, and other details.

google analytics

Overall, there are three ways to leverage find lat long from address and reverse geocoding services:

  1. Both in find lat long from address and reverse geocoding services, you can either manually type information or upload a CSV file with data records (e.g., MapLarge). This creates some hassle but may work if you need geocoding occasionally.
  2. To automate the geocoding process, you will need to integrate data enrichment tools with marketing software and your CRM (e.g., Inkit + Iterable + TowerData). Such an approach is the best fit for businesses that continuously process a large volume of customers’ data and want to optimize this routine through automation.
  3. If you want to build geocoding services into your app, use readily available geocoder APIs. For example, the Geocoding API of Google Maps Platform converts addresses into geographic coordinates and positions them on maps. Such APIs are suitable for tech companies that work on location-based services and seek turnkey solutions for their product.

Generally, geocoding automation is the most popular choice for SMEs and large enterprises. Since modern business depends on efficient information processing, most companies prefer to invest in automated data collection, segmentation, and enrichment. This helps them better manage customer relationships, run cross-channel marketing campaigns, and also brings a lot of other back-office benefits.

Automated Reverse Geocoding for Back-Office Optimization

If your business deals with GPS coordinates and addresses, location data capture, processing, and warehousing will be a part of many operations. Thus, a delay or error at any stage of data handling will affect your overall performance. To minimize the risk of human mistakes and speed up the processing of information, automation is the only right choice.

house address search

Services with automated find lat long from address and reverse geocoding features automatically convert and enrich information, optimizing your back office in the following ways:

  • No manual processes. With automated reverse geocoding, you let your staff focus on more critical tasks instead of manually converting data or handling CSV files.
  • Centralized management. You can integrate automated data enrichment services with your database, CRM, marketing tools, and other digital solutions. This allows you to manage workloads from a single location for better control over your business.
  • Single customer view for all teams. The implementation of automation services enables you to collect information from different sources, complete it, and store in one place. As a result, any entitled team member can instantly access the necessary details without extra hassle.
  • Ready to use enriched data. The information generated by geocoding data enrichment services goes through data cleansing and standardization. The output is ready for further use by automated systems, has great accuracy and quality.

Thus, back-office optimization makes your company operate more efficiently than ever before. Such internal advancements also impact front office operations, enabling staff members to resolve issues more quickly.

Data Enrichment Services Available with Inkit

Inkit mail & offline communications automation tool supercharges direct mail with built-in data enrichment services and additional capabilities available through integrations. The tool includes USPS and international address validation that automatically checks the recorded contact information, formats it, and adds the missing details when possible. Thus, your mailing communications always reach the target and the return rates considerably drop.

Apart from the built-in data validation and enrichment services, Inkit offers numerous integrations. For example, you can connect it with TowerData and an email service provider such as Iterable to obtain a physical address from an email address only.

Besides, Inkit works with any other reverse geocoding tool that supports integrations through the webhook. By using Inkit as a API integration platform, you can connect multiple data channels and automatically process input to format, clean, and enrich it.

Interested in using Inkit for data enrichment services and mail automation? Contact us to get a demo.

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