Data Enrichment & Validation

Automated Direct Mail: 3 Quick Wins

August 28, 2018
Abram Isola

The ability to send automated direct mail is changing the game. When marketers integrate Inkit’s direct mail software with their CRMs, they can boost the already sky-high response rates of direct mail—and continue to gather sophisticated customer data along the way.

Want to know a lot more about direct mail automation? Head over to this post now.

When you use your CRM and a direct mail automation platform together, you can truly send automated direct mail as easily as email. All you need to know is were to start.

Direct Mail and Your CRM: 3 Key Automations

Wondering where to start? If you just linked your CRM to Inkit’s direct mail software, here are three automations you can set up today to supercharge your marketing strategy.

1. Trigger Win-Back Postcards

Some of Inkit’s most successful customers use direct mail for automated win-back or re-engagement campaigns. Why? Direct mail is a highly effective channel for reaching customers who’ve lost touch with you on digital. Even when customers stop reading your emails or—gasp!—unsubscribe from your emails, you can always reach them at the mailbox.  

All you need to do is:

  • Learn how to use your CRM to identify when a customer is losing interest/becoming inactive.
  • Create an eye-catching, hard-to-refuse win-back mailer in our plug-and-play postcard builder. (See Bite Squad’s killer postcard below for an example).
retention mailer example
retention mailer example
  • Add the win-back postcard to your customer journey, triggering mailings right from your CRM. (If your CRM doesn’t integrate with Inkit, you can still send a re-engagement postcard offer from Inkit. Head to the final section of this post to find out how).  

Need a little more guidance before adding this automation? Click here for tips on crafting your direct mail win-back offer.

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2. Add Direct Mail to Your CRM’s Cart Abandonment Sequence

Chances are you’re already triggering cart abandonment emails from your CRM or email automation platform. If not, you should be. Nearly half of all cart abandonment emails are opened, and 13% of those result in click-throughs! (Learn how to write a perfect cart abandonment email here).

But even though a strong cart abandonment email series is a huge retention opportunity, you shouldn’t stop there. You can convert more cart abandoners into customers by adding direct mail to the mix. We recommend adding a direct mail trigger at the end of your cart abandonment email series for a high-impact closer.

Read more about why direct mail is the missing piece in your cart abandonment strategy here.

3. Amp up Your Loyalty Program with Direct Mail

E-commerce has given consumers a seemingly endless variety of options for every single purchase. And with consumers’ attention spans dwindling, it can be harder than ever for brands to attain loyalty. But perfectly timed postcards can help you drive repeat purchases and even brand advocacy.

Postcards elicit a stronger emotional response than emails and digital ads, making direct mail an ideal medium for customer loyalty marketing.

Some savvy marketers are linking their CRMs to Inkit to trigger postcards when customers hit certain reward benchmarks. Here are a few more direct mail automations that drive loyalty.

Sending Direct Mail Through Your CRM

To mail postcards from your CRM, you’ll need to set up an integration. You can check out our list of direct mail CRM integrations here.

If your CRM isn’t on the list yet, please let us know you’d like us to work on an integration. You can also power personalized and highly targeted direct mail through Inkit, even without an integration. Take advantage of the powerful segmentation tools within your CRM to organize your mailing lists, and then import a CSV to Inkit’s campaign builder. Within Inkit, you’ll be able to use your lists across multiple campaigns, and even use dynamic content insertion to personalize mailings.

To learn more about our direct mail CRM integrations, send us an email now. Our team is happy to help you get started with direct mail automation.

Ready to captivate your customers?

Send personalized direct mail automatically based on customer actions.
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