Reach Enablement

5 Issues That Block You From Reaching Your Customers

December 17, 2020
Inkit Team

Despite being quite exacting, sometimes modern consumers forgive mistakes. You can avoid customer churn in 67% of cases if you manage to fix an issue at the first engagement. People will appreciate it when you immediately do something to help them. But you need to make sure the same customer experience failure won’t happen again. Otherwise, the second time anything goes wrong, you risk losing a buyer forever. 60% of consumers will consider going to competitors after 2-3 instances of poor service.

Of course, the best way to cut customer churn rates is to prevent any bottlenecks from the very beginning. It’s essential to know the top reasons for customer churn. They block you from reaching out to customers and interrupt the customers’ journey.

Once you take steps to eliminate these issues, you will enjoy improved customer satisfaction, increased customer success, and growing revenue. The studies say that a 5% customer retention increase boosts profit by 25-95%. Sounds exciting, right?

customer retention gift card

Find out more about how to reduce customer churn and always reach customers in the article about:

  • Why are the troubles with reaching out to customers among the top reasons for customer churn?
  • Five issues that block you from reaching your customers and how to reduce customer churn
  • How to use Inkit’s platform to eliminate top reasons for customer churn

Why Are the Troubles with Reaching Out to Customers Among the Top Reasons for Customer Churn?

Regardless of who you are, a small business in retail, or a world-famous tech provider, the quality of customer service matters. When you don’t respond in time, forget to send critical updates, delay purchase invoices, or worsen your brand’s impression in any other way, people leave. Issues with reaching out to existing and potential customers contribute to growing customer churn rate and financial losses.

According to recent data, 24% of customers leave because of poor onboarding, 19% because of weak customer relationships, 17% because of poor customer experience, and 12% choose to switch to another service when you ignore their complaints. If you think about it, improved customer reach can help solve all of these top reasons for customer churn. Quality communications facilitate the onboarding process, strengthen customer relationships, and bring a range of other benefits.

To help you make sure you can always reach your loyal customers and new leads, we’ve identified five key issues that affect your customer reach. Keep reading to find them out and learn how to reduce customer churn with reach optimization.

Five Issues That Block you From Reaching Your Customers and How to Reduce Customer Churn

We’ve added tips on reducing customer churn to each of the blockers caused by poor reach enablement on the list. You can immediately get useful ideas on reducing customer churn below.

#1. Lack of Data Validation Procedures

Without email and address verification, you will repeatedly send messages to non-existing customers. Needless to say, you will never reach them and waste a lot of time. Waiting for too long, people will just go away to find a similar product at another place. You won’t even manage to send them a goodbye message because you don’t know the correct address.

How to reduce customer churn

To improve the accuracy of emails, implement double opt-in. For example, when someone subscribes to products and services offered by SaaS companies, they usually need to re-confirm their emails with the link.


For reaching out to customers using their physical addresses, adopt address verification software. The tools like Inkit can automatically autocomplete, record, standardize, and validate addresses. This protects you from misspellings and allows you to build a reliable customer base.

#2. Bad Onboarding Experience

The onboarding process is thin ice. When customers sign up for your product, they are still unsure whether they need your service and may easily churn. If you disappoint them at this stage, remarketing will be very difficult. The most common onboarding problems include insufficient instructions, overly long onboarding process, and an unclear roadmap. Do your best to avoid them.

How to reduce customer churn

Timely communications can explain to new leads what to do next and guide them through the procedure. Use website pop-ups to help customers if they get stuck. Make sure your explanations are as clear as possible. Send welcome emails, prepare user guides, add website chats, and adopt other ways to stay connected with customers.

#3. No Personalization

33% of customers admit they have abandoned a company because of insufficient personalization. People like to feel special and always want you to remember their name, contact details, order history, preferences, and other relevant details. By sending template messages, you show indifference and lose to companies that leverage personalization.

How to reduce customer churn

Integrate software that would allow you to tailor the content of all communications in real-time. There are multiple tools out there that can automatically generate unique messages based on user data and previous interactions. Apart from making customers happy, the data collected with these tools will also allow you to investigate why people churn.

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#4. Absence of Trigger-Based Messages and Automation

The risk of customer churn depends on the speed of your services. 90% of customers believe that an immediate response to their questions is critical. By ‘immediate,’ they usually mean 10 minutes or less. That’s why the processing of basic requests shouldn’t take too much time. This harms your customer support and makes people irritated.

How to reduce customer churn

Automation is the simplest way to reach customers within the shortest time. To reduce churn rates, we recommend implementing a CRM system. You have to integrate it with additional tools to cover all the necessary communication channels, including emails, social media, direct mail, chats, etc. Such software will automatically send tailored communications to customers a few seconds after they complete a trigger action.

#5. Poor Connectivity Between Tools

When the tools you use don’t exchange information, your teams also become isolated. As a result, they don’t know what happens with a specific customer. The common problem is that the sales department works independently from a marketing team and offers irrelevant or unfamiliar products.

How to reduce customer churn

postal address sample

Opt for software products and services that are easy to connect and support multiple integrations. This should allow you to synchronize multiple teams’ efforts and achieve a single customer view for better reach and support.

Use Inkit’s Platform to Overcome Top Reasons for Customer Churn

Inkit is a Reach Enablement Platform that allows businesses and organizations to automate online and offline communications. It integrates with multiple third-party tools to create a single customer view and includes a range of built-in capabilities, such as:

  • Data verification and address autocomplete features enable you to verify customer data automatically and speed up customer onboarding
  • Document rendering allows you to automatically generate custom documents in real-time based on the latest data
  • Personalized trigger-based messages can be automatically delivered to customers and vendors when a specific action happens (e.g., when a customer places an order, starts a subscription, etc.).
  • Multi-channel communication enables you to deliver different types of messages through online and offline channels.

This functionality is a perfect fit to reach customers whenever you need it. The messages are always data-driven and delivered in time.

Contact us to get Inkit’s demo or start a subscription.

Ready to captivate your customers?

Send personalized direct mail automatically based on customer actions.
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